Archive for November, 2014

Interiors: Bohemian Parisian Studio

I want this flat. I want to live in it in Paris.

Project Fairytale


If you were curious enough to read the About Me section of this blog, you might have noticed a small mention of Russian being among the languages I speak or pretend to understand a little, the latter being the case here. I love to read anything in cyrillic, even if I only understand less than half, but I belive the exercise is welcomed anytime. So, when I discovered The website, that features some very beautiful interiors, especially from Moscow, Sankt Petersburg or Kiev, I couldn’t stop perusing every room on the site. And then I fell in love: A Parisian studio with candles instead of wiring and antique furniture. It appeals to my bohemian side that miraculously awakens during summer and allows me to enjoy a stylishly cluttered room 🙂


Doesn’t all of this this look like the decor of a play?

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